Jewish Social Services is here to support and empower families and individuals that are struggling in Dane County. While we specialize in serving the Jewish and immigrant communities, we serve all people. Our services include helping with senior transitions, assistance in finding and applying for housing, help with navigating public services, engaging in general case management, and emergency financial assistance.
If you or a family member is facing difficulties while growing older, give us a call. We can guide you through the complex web of social, emotional, medical and financial issues before you. Our senior adult services professionals are able to assess the situation, develop an individualized care plan, counsel and support elders and family members, help arrange in-home care or out-of-home placement, and coordinate services. We can even find assistance for an out-of-town loved one.
Many spouses, partners, children, other relatives and friends do not think of themselves as “caregivers” for an elderly individual. They believe that they are simply doing the right thing to help someone they care about, whether it’s in town or from a distance. We at JSS recognize the importance of these efforts and that the challenges can be daunting. Therefore, we strive to provide concrete assistance, support and counsel to help lighten the load.
Feel free to contact us for information and referrals, short-term advocacy, or longer-term case management services. We know that navigating community resources and figuring out “next steps” during difficult life circumstances can be confusing and overwhelming. We are here as an ally, and can help connect Madison area residents with community resources to meet their basic needs and keep them safe and healthy. We will assess your situation; and help facilitate access to needed financial benefits and medical, mental health, and treatment services. Together we can work towards secure housing and financial sustainability.
For support, please contact:
Maya Garbuz, MSSW, CISW, Director of Family and Senior Services
Cell: 608-229-1754
maya [@] jssmadison [.org]
Kate Shenker, MSSW, Case Manager Worker
Cell: 608-424-4568
kate [@] jssmadison [.org]