JSS succeeds because of its fabulous team of volunteers. We are constantly in need of volunteers to assist with programs that decrease social isolation and support the needs of the diversity of populations that we serve: from seniors, young adults and families, to the homeless, displaced, asylees and refugees.
Becoming a Volunteer – Please begin by filling out a Volunteer Application!

Ways to Get Involved:
Individual and Family Support: Extend and provide support by helping clients coping with a move, changes or challenges in their life situations, and being an ally and resource person. Clients and families coping with dementia and memory issues can work in conjunction with support and training from spiritual care and other staff. Scheduling is variable and flexible according to your availability, and schedule and needs of client.
Driver: This may be combined with individual/family support volunteering or as designated shopper. Providing rides to clients for appointments and other destinations is on an as-needed and as-available basis. Whether as a driver or designated shopper, we will do a driver’s record check, and verify that you have current vehicle insurance and driver’s license.
Designated Shopper: Helping people by providing assistance and companionship by going shopping or running errands with them. In some situations, clients may need volunteer to go without them to pick up groceries or other items for them.
Back-up Volunteers for Photography/ videography: Taking photos or videos at JSS events, which will be shared with staff and participants and used for promotional materials and social media.
Office Help: Assist in various tasks as needed for mailings, record keeping and other office tasks.
Volunteer for holiday, social events, and Shabbats: Assisting staff to help participants, family and friends enjoy and participate in meals, holiday celebrations, and various social and educational events. If you would like to help put together holiday gift bags, and/ or delivering holiday treats to people in their homes and facilities – we will welcome you to join our crew!
Odd job/ computer assistance: According to volunteer skill set, we offer help with basic computer tasks, and occasional help with household tasks such as putting up a shelf, help moving a piece of furniture or setting up office desk, etc. We do not offer help with laundry, house cleaning, snow shoveling, etc. We refer to NewBridge home chore program for those requests.
Donations & Storage: Looking for help organizing donated blankets, hats, scarves, etc…so that we can give these items out to our clients. The organization of the items would take place in our office and would require 1-2 hours of help. This can be a one-time gig or perhaps more frequently, as needed. The days/times can be flexible
For questions or to request more information, please contact Paul Borowsky, 608-442-4083, or paul@jssmadison.org
To review our Volunteer Handbook, please click here.